Anya Hindmarch

Anya Hindmarch

Anya Hindmarch is a personalised handcrafted luxury accessories brand with a British sense of humour. Anya started her business in London in 1987 and has since grown into a global brand with more than 50 stores in the chain, including flagship stores in New York, London, Tokyo and LA, and in many of the world's best retail stores, from New York's Barney to BooStHoup in Korea. Anya is an ardent advocate for British design and art, a UK trade ambassador, a non-executive director of the British Fashion Council, a trustee of the Royal Academy of Arts and the Design Museum. In 2009, Anna Henderma was awarded an MBE in recognition of her contribution to the British fashion industry, most recently winning the prestigious Tri-annual Costume Designer Awards; British Fashion Awards, Ayr Style Awards and Glamour Woman of the Year.

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