ZENTS began with founder Cord Coen's life-changing car accident. Corder spent two years in rehab due to injuries to her body and brain, including chronic pain, severe migraines and an almost total loss of her sense of smell. When his recovery stalled, doctors told him he wasn't getting better at all. Instead of accepting that fate, Corder chose a new path—packing his bags and heading all the way from Boulder, Colorado, to India. With the support of his loving parents and loving Indian host family, he spent a full year doing yoga, receiving massages and internal herbal treatments, and practicing 8 hours a day of pranayama and meditation. Finally, he found a miraculous feeling... the pain was relieved, the sense of smell and taste was restored, and the body healed. In this place of healing, the idea of ZENTS was born.
Cord was lucky enough to get a second chance at a cure, so he wanted to pass that gift on to others. The ZENTS collection brings his vision to life, featuring powerful potions and incredible ingredients that truly transform skin. His background as a craniosacral therapist and Reiki master has also helped guide the creation of spa rituals that lift the mind, body, and spirit. Each individualized treatment brings the whole self to the deepest point - a place to heal and connect with your miracle. Talented massage therapists, estheticians and nail specialists now use ZENTS organic quenching treatments and ultra-hydrating formulas at the world's most famous spas. At the resort, you can experience ZENTS in the boutique, spa, salon, showers and guest suites. Every day brings new possibilities.

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