Obien TW

Obien TW

Obien has been adhering to providing the best design and high-quality products since 1995. In 2010, it launched the high-quality brand "Obien" that everyone is looking forward to. Seventy percent of Obien's products are MIT (Made in Taiwan) , and also select high-quality products from all over the world to introduce to Taiwan, not only to contribute to Taiwan's design industry and industry, but also to hold the vision of staying in Taiwan and advancing the world. Obien means "O" for perfection, perfection and infinity; "bien" in French and Spanish means good, excellent and excellent in English, as you can see, Obien means that all products are made with the utmost perfection The design and presentation of , and the self-expectation of the brand is to stop at perfection. Since the launch of a series of Obien products, they have won unanimous praise from all over the world. Obien will continue to uphold the original intention to launch high-quality products that are admired by the world. It is limited to the main island of Taiwan, and the outlying islands will not be opened for the time being. Notice! The delivery address should not be a PO Box. (If there is a need for delivery outside of Taiwan, please fill in the address of relatives and friends in Taiwan for the address of the consignee).

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